Being pulled over by the police is nerve-wracking, even when everything goes well. In many cases, police will ask to search your car, demand that you take a breathalyzer test, or ask probing questions that are designed to make you say something you shouldn’t. If you’re stopped, you should be polite, say as little as possible, and call a lawyer as soon as you can.

The Simmrin Law Group works exclusively for those accused of crimes and traffic violations, and we know how to win cases. The first step in protecting yourself if you’ve been accused of a crime during a traffic stop in California is understanding your rights under the law.

California Traffic Stop Dos and Don’ts

If you see squad car lights behind you, you should pull over to the right-hand shoulder of the road as soon as it is safe to do so. If there is no shoulder, look for somewhere you can pull off the road so that you are out of traffic. Always put on your turn signal to let the officer know you intend to pull over, even if there is no safe place to do so immediately. 

During a traffic stop, you should follow this simple checklist:

DO put on your turn signal (or hazard lights, if you have to slow down and look for a place to stop)

DO pull over slowly and carefully

DO try to stop the car somewhere well-lit if possible (at night)

DO consider turning on the interior lights so that officers can see you are not a threat

DO keep your hands on the wheel and wait for officer instructions to reach for anything

DON’T stop the car in traffic

DON’T get out of the car unless officers request it

DON’T try to “ditch” anything out the window

Once police approach the vehicle, be polite and respectful and comply with any instructions they give you. 

Original article: https://www.simmrinlawgroup.com/faqs/what-to-expect-at-a-traffic-stop-in-california/

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