What to Do (and Not to Do) If Stopped by Police in Illinois

Many individuals experience the uncomfortable encounter of being stopped by police in Illinois. This is usually because the law enforcement officer claims that you have made some type of traffic violation. You may wind up with a ticket. This is bad enough, but it gets even worse for some.

Before some people realize it, a routine traffic stop for a minor traffic violation turns into an arrest for a serious violation of the law such as DUI, drug charges or weapon possession charges. It is important to understand your legal rights when stopped by law enforcement. The following is a list of things to do and not to do in the event that you are subject to a traffic stop.

Pull Over

If stopped by law enforcement, it is the law for you to pull over as quickly as you can safely do so. Pull over to a well-lit area on the right-hand side of the road. Begin slowing down and put on your blinker indicated your intent to pull over. Do not drive for many miles; make a stop when it is safe to do so.

Have Your Documents Ready

During every traffic stop, you can expect to be asked for certain documents. Have these documents saved in a safe location well before any stop. For example, you may have your insurance information and registration in your glove box and your driver’s license in your purse or wallet. Let the officer know when you are reaching for one of these documents.

Keep Your Hands in View

Keep your hands on the wheel or otherwise in plain sight. Avoid making any sudden movements that may cause a law enforcement officer to overreact.

Do not Admit Wrongdoing

You are not required to say that much to an officer other than your name. If you are arrested, anything that you say may be used against you, including an admission that you had a drink or where you said you were coming from. A law enforcement officer may also ask you if you know why you were pulled over. It is perfectly acceptable to say “no” because you do not specifically know the reason why the law enforcement officer pulled you over.

Be Polite

At all times during the exchange, be polite to the law enforcement officer. Acting in an aggressive manner can cause you to more likely be ticketed. Additionally, it can cause a law enforcement officer to respond in kind. He or she may have you arrested for resisting arrest or may order you to the ground. Treat the officer with kindness and respect and abide by all legal instructions.

Original article: https://www.hg.org/legal-articles/what-to-do-and-not-to-do-if-stopped-by-police-in-illinois-46142

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