What Should I Do When Pulled Over by the Police in Georgia?

Understandably, most people start to sweat and get nervous when pulled over by the police. Even though the police are trying to keep the community safe, it is nerve-wracking when you see the blue lights behind you. It is also dangerous for officers. According to the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund, traffic stops are one of the leading causes of police deaths. Many officers have been killed over the years by gunfire during traffic stops. Officers also face the danger of getting hit by passing vehicles.

More importantly, drivers are at risk when there is a police encounter. Sometimes the police misinterpret the behavior of a driver during a traffic stop. It is incumbent upon all of us to make sure that we remain safe during a traffic stop. We cannot assume that a police officer will understand our actions. To protect ourselves from the police we need to follow certain rules. 

To make the experience go as best as possible, here are some suggestions:

Be polite and pull over as soon as possible:

This begins by pulling over to the side of the road or into a parking lot when you notice the officer signaling you. If you cannot pull over right away, put your flashers on and slow down to let the officer know you see his lights and that you plan on getting over. Turn on your hazard lights. 

Put your hands where the officer can see them:

It is also best to put your hands on the wheel where the officer can see them. This is for the safety of the officer. It is also to make sure the officer keeps you safe from a possible police over-reaction

Original article: https://www.georgiacriminallawyer.com/what-should-i-do-when-pulled-over-by-the-police-in-georgia

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